Pissed Off Wives-How Did We End Up Here Again?
Today, our ideas about birth, nursing, sleep, the attachment needs of young children have moved us to a highly mom dependent model of parenting, especially in the first years. This means women have increased the emotional and physical intensity and of their commitment to parenting. This means that even though dads are certainly doing more, moms are still mostly primary.
May 31, 2019 -
Getting Uncomfortable about Racism
I want to talk about race. I want to talk to my (almost all white) audience as a white person about how to do our own work. Talking about race is scary. I am opening myself up for push back and criticism. But talking about racism in our community as a white person is nothing like being a person of color in our racist community. I get to pick how and when I decide to deal with race. And then I can go home and not deal with it.
April 11, 2019 -
Is Doing Your Kids’ Homework Unfair Privilege?
It is easy to call out the lack of integrity when it is so egregious. And those aren’t my people. I would never do what they did…because shit, I could never afford to do what they did even if I wanted to. But I wonder…am I cutting corners? Am I over using the power that I have? Am I fighting for all kids or just for mine?
March 14, 2019 -
A Day Without a Woman… or at least this one
The International Women’s Strike on March 8th, 2017 is an international day of action, planned and organized by women in more than 30 different countries. In the spirit of solidarity and internationalism, in the United States March 8th will be a day of action organized by and for women who have been marginalized and silenced by decades of neoliberalism directed towards working women, women of color, Native women, disabled…
March 3, 2017 -
I’m Done with Positive Thinking
I think I found a New Year’s intention…. it might sound weird but I am taking a radical stand against positive thinking. I am enthralled with a new book- The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking by Oliver Burkeman. I will admit that I am only on chapter 3 but I have been highlighting like mad and re-reading, looking things up in a way that hasn’t happened…
January 6, 2017 -
Happy (Thanksgiving) Acknowledge My Privilege Day
I have a complicated relationship to Thanksgiving. I get to stay home and cook for my large extended family. My husband and I love the simplicity and low expectations around a day focused on one predictable meal. As a Catholic kid, I loved that it was the holiday we didn’t have to go to church and now as an atheist I don’t have to feel guilty celebrating a holiday that…
November 18, 2016
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