Category / gender / racism / Self care / Uncategorized
The Resistance Begins Today
2016 Election post Trying to be with my feelings today. I am crushed. Betrayed. Heartbroken. I am hurt and scared. I am pissed. So… I’m leaning into pissed. I am pissed that the election can be controlled by a bunch of people who do not love our country. By people who fear the contributions of immigrants and women and people of color. By people who love power and money more…
November 7, 2024 -
My Lessons- All About Love
“I feel our nation’s turning away from love…moving into a wilderness of spirit so intense we may never find our way home again. I write of love to bear witness both to the danger in this movement, and to call for a return to love.” – bell hooks
October 4, 2019 -
Getting Uncomfortable about Racism
I want to talk about race. I want to talk to my (almost all white) audience as a white person about how to do our own work. Talking about race is scary. I am opening myself up for push back and criticism. But talking about racism in our community as a white person is nothing like being a person of color in our racist community. I get to pick how and when I decide to deal with race. And then I can go home and not deal with it.
April 11, 2019 -
Happy (Thanksgiving) Acknowledge My Privilege Day
I have a complicated relationship to Thanksgiving. I get to stay home and cook for my large extended family. My husband and I love the simplicity and low expectations around a day focused on one predictable meal. As a Catholic kid, I loved that it was the holiday we didn’t have to go to church and now as an atheist I don’t have to feel guilty celebrating a holiday that…
November 18, 2016 -
Wiping my tears- Time for Service and Resistance
Wednesday was awful and I feared I couldn’t write, couldn’t see clients. Everyone I voted for lost. Today I woke up ready to fight. My progressive politics are an integral part of my Marriage Geek message- you are not required to read any further. I get it that lots of people don’t agree with me but the greatest thing about the internet is that everyone can have their own soap…
November 10, 2016 -
I woke up yesterday in a foul mood. My vacation didn’t go well. As usual, high expectations mixed with family of origin issues, parenting under duress and way too many hours in the car led to lots and lots of hurt feelings. I messed up some stuff and am having a hard time getting past it. Then I saw the morning news. Philando Castile was shot and killed and my…
July 8, 2016
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