What’s Maureen Up To Now?

October 2024 journal update. 

I am 61 years old. I love being mature, a crone, over the hill, a sage. I can see Medicare from here and after a breast cancer scare with a high deductible plan, I need to stay healthy at least until 65. 

Last year I bought a very tiny and very expensive house in Bloomington that I love. It has given me roots. I recently adopted a puppy- Ayla from Safehands Rescue where I foster. I lost Jackson, my 15-year-old Rat Terrier last fall to diabetes. The kids really encouraged me to take some time- I have been parenting kids and animals for 40 years and I have been trying to make sense of how much caregiving is a bad habit and how much it is just who I am. 

My practice in Bloomington is solid. I lost my workshop side gigs with the pandemic and things just changed. I need something new which has led me to returning to blogging and community building. 

The boys are amazing. Honestly, parenting adults is the best and the longest stage. I get to hang out with  these humans who adore me. Zach lives with his dad but comes by regularly to mostly hang out with Joey and his wonderful gf Grace.. We have bonfires and dog parties and they play way too much Magic with their big brother Nate.

Nate and his super cool Burner gf Jenny took me to my first Burning Man this summer. I cannot begin to explain how transformative my experience was. It is like visiting Mars or maybe the bar scene in Star Wars. It is an intentional community attempting (often disastrously) to play with radical inclusion, decommodification, and civic responsibility. I felt brave and safe and seen and connected. I will be returning. 

For the past few years, I have been exploring psychedelic-assisted therapy. Huge breakthroughs are coming in the field of psychiatry using things like mushrooms, LSD, and MDMA. Currently, only ketamine is legal for prescriptive use but things are coming.  To be clear- illegal drug use cannot be a part of my psychology practice. I am looking for ways to support peoples’ journeys. 

I have been mostly single for 7 years. I have explored my sexuality, my relationship style, my emotional needs, my history of co-dependency, my daddy issues and my mommy issues. I have loved deeply and gotten my heart broken multiple times. I have been brave and I have been careless. In my current evolution- I identify as polyamorous with aspirations of operating as a Relationship Anarchist. Yes, people kind of freak that I am a poly marriage counselor but I believe that I support my clients in having what they feel is best for them. This can be a stronger marriage, a saner divorce, an ethical open marriage, or a fulfilling solo life. 

So- stay tuned… I have some ideas about blogging and workshops and community building that I’d like to explore with you. Please feel free to email questions or ideas. Maureen@marriagegeek.com

my cute and expensive house
Me and the puppy
my office