Tag / anxiety
Of Course You’re Worried, We’re All Worried
I’ve stepped away from blogging in 2020. Going through a ton of my own growth and exploration right now has me feeling uncentered. My opinions change weekly, I’m questioning everything and in no place to be a “relationship expert”. The ankle is mostly healed. I am doing lots of physical therapy to get back to hiking and yoga as soon as possible. The “babies” turned 16 and 18 last week,…
March 13, 2020 -
Creating Security in an Insecure World
We humans need security. We want to know we are safe and we are loved and it is all going to be ok. And yet… it isn’t all ok, it isn’t always safe and it sometimes isn’t going to be ok. And even being loved can be taken away. Enough good news? I certainly wouldn’t blame you for walking away about now.
August 9, 2019 -
Kisses can’t make it all ok
Let me walk you through how anxiety gets fed. Remember the 35W bridge collapse? Before that bridges seemed really safe. Then one day a bridge fell down and we were all hyper alert about bridges. No one wanted to drive over bridges. We all knew it was pretty unlikely that another bridge would fall… lightning striking twice and all. But anxiety doesn’t really care about logic. There were two options available to all of us.
April 18, 2019 -
Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down…oh…wait
I know you don’t want to hear this but can you chill for a bit? Maybe it is the speed of our lives or the 24 hour news cycle but these are anxious times. Who can blame us for fearing for our kids, our loved ones, the environment, the economy, our health..sorry- this isn’t helping, is it?
January 18, 2019 -
Wonder and Delight- inoculate against stress
Anxiety is on my mind this week. Professionally I consider it the common cold of mental health- shows up a lot and responds well to treatment. Lately I have been considering the bigger picture of the huge increase in anxiety we are seeing in both parents and in our kids. Some facts- research shows as much as five to eight times as many high school and college students who meet…
September 29, 2017 -
Those Stupid F@#$%ing Clowns
Someone is having fun with us over anxious parents and our stressed out kids this week. What kind of asshole says “How about I dress up like a scary clown and wander around near kids like I’m a child abductor? Won’t that be funny?” Yesterday’s Strib– “A 15-year-old girl seized on the national “scary clown” craze and posted on Facebook a violent threat to residents of many Twin Cities communities,…
October 7, 2016
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