Tag / asking
Deep thoughts on a rainy day
One of the greatest gifts I get from my work is being in a lot of psyches. I get to see how everyone is struggling, insecure, irrational and unpredictable. The human condition, especially in relationship, is really messy. Each of us have weird, inexplicable reactions, perhaps from our childhood, perhaps from our temperament, perhaps hormone driven that we wish we didn’t have. If I had a magic therapy wand, I…
September 25, 2015 -
Asking is Super Scary
Left to my own devices I can get pulled into the abyss that is my own thinking so I listen to library books on my phone. I like having someone else’s voice in my head while walking and driving- especially someone inspiring and entertaining. I just finished Amanda Palmer’s The Art of Asking-How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help. Amanda is rock star, crowdfunding pioneer, and TED…
August 7, 2015
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