Tag / back to school
Will Summer Ever End?
I know- it is 82 degrees out as I sit here writing about fall and back to school and finally being able to focus…but instead I took a walk over lunch and am heading out to have happy hour on a patio…again!
School did start. The nights are longer and cooler. The colors are starting to turn. And I am back to work- I even posted my fall workshop schedule.
September 19, 2019 -
Sending the Kids Off to School…Now What?
Last week I was working on my blog post, writing about the crazy relationship we Minnesotans have to summer when I got distracted and unmotivated and forgot to write anything. That’s kind of how my summer is going. It is only a couple of weeks until my tiniest baby starts high school and I am facing hard growing pains. Here’s the post I always recycle about back to school. As…
August 16, 2018 -
Summer’s Over- Back to Work!
Time to get moving…. I took 3 months off of my blog (to be clear… I did not get the summer off…full time case load but no workshops, no writing.) After 9 years, I needed some time to clear my head, some space to think things through without sharing… not my usual MO at all. I missed you all. Weirdly being alone in my head doesn’t make things easier. Maybe…
September 10, 2017 -
Report cards, conferences, emails from the teacher and other things to freak out about….
T’is the season when we start hearing from our kids’ teachers- whether it is your first preschool conference in the teeny tiny chairs or your meeting with your kid’s high school adviser about college plans. I just want to remind you to check yourself. This is not about you. This is not an evaluation of either your parenting nor your genetics. This is not designed to make you feel bad…or…
October 13, 2016 -
School Zone- Proceed with Care
Whether your kids had a great week or are really struggling, it has been a big week. Sometimes we forget that kids experience stress just like we do and that the good stuff in life can be as stressful as the rough stuff. I was really excited for them to go back to school. I was missing the structure of the school year but I forgot about the being on…
September 15, 2016 -
Sending the kids off to school….Now what?
Labor Day is here! The kids are all going off to school and parents everywhere are doing the happy dance. If you’re an old momma like me, you’ve been down this road before. September I get the house back, I find a few extra free hours and I don’t have to feed them over and over again. Even though I work full time, my kid’s summer schedule highly disrupts my…
September 8, 2015
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