Tag / Christmas boundaries
My Last Minute Christmas Card
Thank you wonderful community for all you give me each year. You are my audience and my inspiration. I am wrapping the week up early… modeling authentic self care. Remember that those people only make you crazy because you love them. Remember you make someone crazy too. How about I share this lovely poem with you. Christmas at Midlife I am no longer waiting for a special occasion; I burn…
December 22, 2016 -
Bill of Assertive Rights for the Holidays
Marriage Geek Bill of Assertive Rights for the Holidays You have the right to make your decisions about the holidays based on the values and needs of your immediate family first. You have the right to offer no reasons or excuses for your choices. You have the right to decide how responsible you want to be for your extended family’s holiday needs. You have the right to say no. You…
December 8, 2015
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