Tag / intentions
Wrapping Up a Hell of a Year
Can I have a moment of your time? Take a minute and review how the holidays have been for you. What worked? What would you do differently? What memories were made? Now- trust me, this is a game changer. Go on your Google calendar. Pick a day before Thanksgiving- I picked the 17th of November 2025. Click Add Task- READ THIS. Now remind future you of all the things you…
December 30, 2024 -
2017 Bites the Dust
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Henry Ford New Years is an arbitrary holiday when we celebrate the turn of the odometer of our lives and the purchase of a new calendar. We look back at the 12 months passed, what we’ve accomplished, what we’ve lost and we look ahead at the enormous possibility of the uncharted waters of the year…
December 28, 2017
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