Tag / life stages
What’s Next? I’m Bored!
The Expo was a huge hit. Because I told everyone how stressed I was last week, everyone made sure I got a lot of appreciation and a lot of hugs. (Funny how easy it is to get what you need when you let people know.) Success at the Expo is measured by all of the amazing conversations that happened, in workshops, with birth providers and therapists, with yoga teachers and…
October 21, 2015 -
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
A friend of mine just lost her grandfather and posted an amazing testimony to the positive impact he has had on her life. It got me thinking about what I expect from the second half of my life. I have hit all the milestone- married, three kids, homeowner, professional. Even my commitment to working out isn’t really about getting somewhere but staying where I am. Use it or lose it…
September 11, 2015
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- addiction (1)
- Attachment (51)
- communication (6)
- conflict (10)
- depression (2)
- divorce (9)
- education (4)
- emotional intelligence (62)
- fatherhood (3)
- fighting (5)
- gender (11)
- General (6)
- Holidays (21)
- infidelity (1)
- Lifestyle (2)
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- Marriage (65)
- marriage counseling (4)
- Mindfullness (46)
- money (1)
- Parenting (68)
- Positive parenting (13)
- Postpartum (2)
- Prince (1)
- privilege (6)
- racism (6)
- Relationship Advice (26)
- Self care (11)
- sex (7)
- sleep (2)
- stress (13)
- therapy (11)
- Travel (3)
- Uncategorized (21)
- video (1)