Tag / privilege
The Price of Privilege- a rough month…year…decade…for men
I walk a fine line in my work. I want to honor and support all my clients. Most couples I see are heterosexual so that means there are two women in my office and one guy. And I know therapy is based in more traditionally female skill sets- vulnerability, communicating about feelings, focusing on relationships are not always an easy choice for men. But I also know that 2/3rds of…
October 13, 2017 -
Never Forget How Lucky Your Kids Are- to have you
Parenting matters. Of course it does. I love being a parent. Last week I celebrated 33 years of mothering…happy birthday Nate! I love teaching parenting classes but I struggle both personally and professionally to keep it in perspective. First- let’s look at what childhood is like in our country. Almost half of our country’s kids have experienced at least one or more types of serious childhood trauma. This is the…
September 22, 2017 -
Happy (Thanksgiving) Acknowledge My Privilege Day
I have a complicated relationship to Thanksgiving. I get to stay home and cook for my large extended family. My husband and I love the simplicity and low expectations around a day focused on one predictable meal. As a Catholic kid, I loved that it was the holiday we didn’t have to go to church and now as an atheist I don’t have to feel guilty celebrating a holiday that…
November 18, 2016
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