Tag / Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Rehash-2019
You are extraordinarily blessed if you spent the day with people who pissed you off and hurt your feelings. Remember that. Those opinionated, loud mouthed, obnoxious people are your family by birth or marriage or by choice. You will either have to face the enormous pain of their passing or they will be the ones left when you go. This is good. It is the whole point of life- to surround ourselves with people that matter, people that we love and keep working on and struggle with. Do they see things differently than you do? Is their experience something you can learn from, be open to? That is their gift in your life.
November 28, 2019 -
Pre-Turkey Musings
I always struggle with the “Gratitude” message around November. Of course I get that people who focus on gratitude have less stress and better mental health but when we pressure people to be grateful it often increases shame instead. Sometimes I get sucked into a downward spiral of feeling bad that I feel bad.
November 21, 2019 -
Thanksgiving Rehash 2018
Every year I take time on Thanksgiving morning to write my blog post and set it to deliver once the festivities are done. Last year I was preparing to leave the home I had lived in for 17 years, leaving my marriage and transforming my family into a new kind of family. This year, coming up on a year apart, I am most thankful that all is well. It hasn’t…
November 22, 2018 -
2017 Thanksgiving Reflections
One turkey done, another set to go into the oven… part of my Thanksgiving tradition is to write my blog post before anyone gets up in the morning- thinking of the day ahead. The meal is predictable, the family keeps changing. We currently have no babies in our family- the youngest is my 13 year old but my niece is bringing her new puppy… the ones who were the kids…
November 23, 2017 -
2016 Post Thanksgiving Commentary
Each year I sit down to write my newsletter on Thanksgiving morning before the festivities begin and set it to go out in the evening when the party’s over. Mostly I steal stuff from last years post and tweek it a bit. The best thing about holiday traditions is just how predictable they can be. The first time I took on my family’s turkey duty at my house was 1983-…
November 24, 2016 -
Happy (Thanksgiving) Acknowledge My Privilege Day
I have a complicated relationship to Thanksgiving. I get to stay home and cook for my large extended family. My husband and I love the simplicity and low expectations around a day focused on one predictable meal. As a Catholic kid, I loved that it was the holiday we didn’t have to go to church and now as an atheist I don’t have to feel guilty celebrating a holiday that…
November 18, 2016 -
Post Thanksgiving Rundown
My guess is that by now you’ve eaten (and perhaps drank) way too much. You’re not actually likely to be reading this on Thursday evening as you fell asleep doped up on tryptophane and my newsletter got lost in endless Black Friday ads. Just wanted to pop in and wish you the best. As we step into a the next holiday season take a moment to process any unresolved feelings…
November 27, 2015
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